Minneapolis, MN

Clarice Allgood

A somewhat unconventional ceramic history of workshops, open studios, and unofficial residencies led Clarice Allgood to Minnesota in 2018. In 2019, she graduated from NCC’s certificate program, Minnesota New Institute for Ceramic Education, and was a Fogelberg Fellow at NCC in 2020. From a free-spirited, traveling childhood, and her academic education in philosophy, come a perspective rooted in thoughtfulness and curiosity. Though Allgood’s ceramics are often grounded in practicality, they maintain a particular whimsy and environmental aesthetic.

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Athens, OH

Tom Bartel

Tom Bartel holds a BFA from Kent State University (OH) and an MFA from Indiana University (Bloomington). He has lectured extensively and been an invited faculty member and artist-in-residence at numerous locations across the country. Bartel has also been featured in multiple publications, including Ceramics Monthly, Clay Times, and American Craft. His figurative sculpture reflects references ranging from antiquities to pop culture and is characterized as disturbing, humorous, and fragmented. Currently, he is serving as a professor and ceramics chairperson at Ohio University (Athens).

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Watkinsville, GA

Nancy Green

“Twenty-three years ago, I wasn’t even aware that people made pottery. A friend asked me if I had ever been to Liz Lurie’s sales. I said ‘no, what does she make and why would I want to go?’ My friend said ‘she makes pottery and I think you would like it.’ I went. I loved her work and after two years of collecting, Liz said ‘you know Nancy, you could make pottery,’ and so I did. I started at a local ceramic center. Based on Liz’s recommendations, I began attending demos to learn techniques and develop my aesthetic. My first workshop was a summer abroad in Shigaraki, Japan through the University of Georgia (Athens). The journey just kept going.”

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Santa Fe, NM

Matt Repsher

Matt Repsher’s exposure to art, design, and ceramics started early—learning from his father about making pots. Repsher earned his BFA in ceramics from Penn State (University Park, PA) and then went on to receive his MFA from Indiana University (Bloomington) in 2003. He has worked for Santa Fe Clay (NM) as the studio director and taught ceramics at Indiana University and the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque). He was a resident at Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft (Columbia, NC) in 2015 and was recently a long-term resident at the Penland School of Craft (Bakersville, NC) from 2017 to 2020.

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